Bartender Ss13

Damn, the bartender even stirred it, not shook it. Coffee Latte 1 part Robust Coffee, 1 part Space Milk A nice, strong and refreshing beverage while you are reading. Cuba Libre 2 parts Rum, 1 part Cola A classic mix of rum and cola. Demons Blood 1 part Space Mountain Wind, 1 part Rum, 1 part Blood, 1 part Dr. BarTender installation, printer driver installation, connecting to a database and basic template design. Template Design. Advanced design concepts, conditional printing, working with layers and objects, and much more. Automating printing with web services, file triggers, BTXML, and more. R/SS13 Space Station 13 is an open source community-driven multiplayer simulation game. Set several centuries in the future, you will be playing a role on board a space station, ranging from bartender to engineer, janitor to scientist, or even captain. Aim of the Bartender Prepare beverages for guests and serve them through the bar or through the wait staff. Maintain a clean and organised work environment. Have a passion for food and beverage and providing excellent guest service. Responsibilities of the Bartender Assist in creating a warm and welcoming environment for our guests.


Difficulty: Easy
Supervisors:Head of Personnel
Duties: Serve booze to everyone! Mix drinks
Guides:Guide to food and drinks

You are one half of the MalteseFalcon.

The Bar

Ss13 tg drinks


  • 1Equipment


  • Armor vest: don't underestimate the value of this in blocking damage
  • Shotgun
  • A shaker for mixing drinks
  • Formal closet containing two formal uniforms like what you start wearing, two pairs of black shoes and two top hats. There is an additional top-hat on the bar.
  • Booze-O-Mat, your ID-locked best friend and container of all that is alcoholic.
  • Beer locker, beer keg, vending machines and an mixer, all inside your storage room.
  • Your loyal assistant, Pun Pun. Has a tendency to push people around, be abused and get harvested for meat by the chef.

Ss13 Bartender Drinks

Your shotgun

Your shotgun is double-barrelled. It can hold two shells at once and fire both in quick succession. Clicking it in your hand will break the shotgun, causing the shells inside to fall to the floor. It starts loaded with two beanbag shells, and you start with extra ones in your bag.

You can get more shells using cargo's autolathe. Lethal shells (red) do sixty brute damage, beanbag shells (green) do ten brute damage and knock people down, darts do five toxin damage, and blank (white) shells do nothing. Autolathes can create circular saws, which you can use to saw off your shotgun so it can fit in your bag. If you do this while the gun is loaded, it will go off in your face.

Tending to your Bar

You have a whole bunch of spirits in your handy Booze-o-mat vending machine, with which to mix all manner of drinks.


Difficulty is minimal, but bar fights can get deadly if your most valued patrons are too drunk to intervene. People also love to murder people having a good time in the bar, especially if you start serving Beepsky Smashes.

Human Controlled Pun Pun!

Is that NPC Pun Pun too boring for you? Well now you can turn someone into Pun Pun! First take Pun Pun to genetics and get him scanned in those fancy machines. You want to scan UI+UE and SE. Inject the victim willing participant with the SE first and wait til he becomes a monkey. Second inject him with the UI+UE and tada! Player controlled Pun Pun. Take him back to the bar and have him dance on the table tops for space cash. The old Pun Pun can be given to the chef to quench the evil desires of that wretched machine of his. If you want to communicate with the new Pun Pun be sure to get a pAi. If your monkey friend is too quick to leave you don't fret! Monkeys can be handcuffed, so just handcuff him to chair. Now he can NEVER LEAVE!

Serving up a cool glass of pain

Traitor barman has it hard. You only start with Bar access. If you're not in the bar when someone inevitably shows up, expect them to try to break in or call attention to your absence. You have one advantage in that you spawn with a potentially lethal weapon nearby, voiding the need for a revolver or similar item. You'll need the QM or a Cargo Technician's help to get lethal shells, however. They can use your shotgun to bust open locked crates, so see if you can't strike a mutually beneficial deal with them.

Head into the maintenance tunnel north of the bar and go east for shades. Use of an emag and your shotgun may help you for assassinations. It is best to stay around the bar as much as you can, as you will look suspicious if a million people want a drink at the bar.

Some of your drinks can have... beneficial effects. If you get the ingredients for Beepsky Smash or Neurotoxin, you have an instant stun. Or you could just go the old-fashioned down and dirty route and poison drinks outright.


Jobs on /tg/station

Command:Captain, Head of Personnel

Security:Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective

Engineering:Chief Engineer, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician

Science:Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist

Medical:Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Chemist, Geneticist, Virologist

Civilian:Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner, Janitor, Bartender, Chef, Botanist, Assistant, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Librarian, Lawyer

Non-human:AI, Cyborg, Personal AI, Construct, Ghost

Antagonist:Traitor, Changeling, Nuclear Agent, Wizard, Xenomorph, Space Ninja

Special:Death Squad Officer, Ian

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In Dead Space 13, your job is somewhat akin to your character class. It defines your starting equipment, your access on board the station, and what you're supposed to be doing. Remember, these job descriptions are for humor purposes only. Please follow common sense.

Jobs on DS13
CommandCaptain, First Lieutenant, Bridge Ensign
CEC SecurityChief Security Officer, Senior Security Officer, Security Officer
EngineeringChief Engineer, Technical Engineer,
ScienceChief Science Officer, Research Assistant, Psychiatrist, Roboticist
CEC MedicalSenior Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Surgeon
ServiceSupply Officer, Cargo Serviceman, Janitor, Bartender, Line Cook, Botanist
Planet CrackersDirector of Mining, Mining Foreman, Planet Cracker
AntagonistsMarker, Necromorph, Signal, Unitologist, Zealot, EarthGov Agent
SpecialEarthGov Official, USM Valor Marine, Kellion ERT, Magpie ERT

  • 9Antagonists

Useful Links


Drinks Ss13


Responsible for the USG Ishimura in its entirety. Delegates orders and keeps tabs on the departments of the ship through the Heads of Staff. Highest priority is keeping the ship afloat and ensuring the operation on Aegis VII is a success.aVery Hard

First Lieutenant
Works directly underneath the Captain and serves as their second in command. Assists in checking on department heads and coordinating the efforts of the ship's personnel. Takes command of the Ishimura in the event of the Captain's demise.cMedium

Bridge Ensign
Directly assists the Captain and First Lieutenant from the Bridge, watches cameras and lifesigns, alerts the Captain of any developments and assists Department Heads when necessary.cMedium

CEC Security


Chief Security Officer
Coordinates the efforts of the CEC Security Forces on board the USG Ishimura. Leads their team and assigns officers to checkpoints and security booths around the ship to maintain order.aVery Hard

Senior Security Officer
Maintains the brig and armory, while aiding the CSecO in coordinating and leading officers. Controls the cameras from the brig.bHard

Security Officer
Maintains order onboard the Ishimura and on the Aegis VII mining site. Mans the several ship checkpoints, protects crew from domestic disturbances and petty crimes. Armed with standard issue pulse rifles and security RIGs provided to most corporate security teams.aHard



Chief Engineer
In charge of all things mechanical aboard the Ishimura, and the primary point of contact for any repairs that will be needed. Maintains the dual-supermatter cores and Telecommunications.bHard

Technical Engineer

Set up the engine and repair any damage to hull and equipment.




Chief Science Officer
Oversee the Research Assistants and produce new inventions and designs for use on Aegis VII. Craft chemicals for the Medical department and provide psychological support for crew dealing with the pressures of long-term space travel. Utilize the state-of-the-art quarantine wing for these ends.bHard

Research Assistant
Aid the Chief Science Officer on all projects and keep tabs on the Planet Cracker division to get more materials.cEasy

CEC Medical


Senior Medical Officer
Gently remind everyone to turn up their suit sensors and assign doctors and surgeons to deal with commonplace injuries aboard the ship and on the mining colony. Coordinate with the Science division on matters of psychological duress.cHard

Medical Doctor
Treat the wounded using the USG Ishimura's clinic. Treat illness and topical wounds to keep the crew in the green.dMedium

Provide the crew with more complicated medical procedures that can easily turn into life-or-death situations.dHard

Bartender Ss13



Supply Officer
Coordinate the Cargo department and the Servicemen beneath you. Assign servicemen to deliver packages and cargo from the miners and elsewhere. Assort deliveries from the under-deck.dMedium

Cargo Serviceman
Deliver and sort packages and crates, act as a courier for important cargo.dEasy
JanitorMop blood off the floor, then get arrested for creating a safety hazard. TO BE ADDEDdEasy

Mix cocktails, dodge glasses being thrown at you, have your shotgun stolen and used against you. Let cargo borrow your shotgun in exchange for sawing it off for you. Act surprised when people start to die from drinking your 'cocktails'.dEasy

Line Cook
Do your best to keep the crew fed without poisoning them.dEasy
BotanistGrow the good stuff grass, place it everywhere, man.

Have blood feuds with Chemistry.


Planet Crackers


Director of Mining
Oversees the infamous Planet Cracker division and serve as a liaison for the CEC. Keep tabs on the Foreman and the Planet Crackers to ensure the last dig on Aegis VII goes off without a hitch. Serve the company's interests.aMedium

Mining Foreman
The unofficial leader of the Planet Crackers. Lead your mining division down to the colony to uncover artifacts and materials for the Science division. Keep your people alive against ever-mounting odds.bHard

Planet Cracker
Deploy to the Aegis VII mining colony and get to work. Mine for materials and ensure they are transported back to the Science division.bMedium


Main Antagonists

Main Antagonists are typically the primary antagonist of a single round, and form the backbone of how a round progresses.

Tgstation Drinks


The main antagonist of the DS13 modes. An ancient alien obelisk of immense power, it feeds off of physical biomass and exudes incredible psychic force. Causes dementia, psychosis, and death to an unsuspecting crew. Capable of raising the dead as horrible abominations. Convergence is at hand.cHard

The reanimated and reconstructed crew of the Ishimura, horrible monstrosities with only one goal: the death and conversion of all living organic life. The living undead that answer only to the Marker.cEasy

Signals of the Marker that act as the eyes and ears of the necromorph team. Individually controlled by players and capable of whispering to crew, coordinating Unitologists, breaking lights and in general scaring the hell out of the crew.bEasy

Side Antagonists

Side antagonists are secondary antagonists that are either subservient to other, main, antagonists, or have a small chance to appear during any round type. Side antagonists tend to be slightly less powerful than their main counterparts.


Unitologists are either practitioners of Unitology and devotees of the Church, or in this case, individuals who have succumbed to the influence of the Marker's psychic energy. They are effectively saboteurs who will do the Marker's bidding, causing internal strife, breaking the ship, and in some cases, sacrificing the crew to the Marker itself.bHard

Word is in the outer rim, members of the Church of Unitology have taken to violent means in order to secure artifacts of importance to the Church. While the Church disavows this and doesn't claim responsibility for these terrorists, their activities have been emboldened with the rise of the Church and they have proven to be incredibly dangerous to civilian crews.bHard


Bartending Ss13


USM Valor Marine
EarthGov patrols Sol and the outer rim for piracy, illegal digs and other illicit activities, and it's not uncommon for them to send investigative teams and marines to answer distress signals this far out in space.bHard
EarthGov OfficialEarthGov officials will sometimes accompany or visit CEC vessels to ensure they are compliant with the law. Attacking these individuals can lead to harsh repercussions.bMedium

Bartender Ss13

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